Helping Build Saskatchewan Tech Startups

We work with exceptional founders & teams to navigate the path from idea to product-market fit.

Founders and tech employees working in the Co.Labs space
Co.Labs background

Co.Labs is an independent non-profit. No fees, no equity.

Startups Incubated
Private Investment Raised
Revenue Generated
Jobs Created

How We Help

It takes a village to raise a startup

Man giving a presentation via Smartboard screen.
Increasing Graph Icon


At the early stages, we help teach what founders need to know, from market validation to product to sales. After that, we provide everything their startups need to scale (office space, expert services, discounts, our secret cabbage roll recipe).

2 people conversing in Co.Labs office.
Mentorship icon


Ongoing, curated introductions to founders and experts who have solved the problems startups are currently working through.

3 women sit smiling holding microphones at the Co.Labs office. They are speaking towards a crowd of people with a purple sign behind them that reads "Co.Labs Community Night"
Community Icon


Startups are hard. Surround yourself with the top founders, mentors, and supporters in the Saskatchewan (and global) tech ecosystem.

The Programs

Scaling high-growth tech startups with tailored resources & mentorship.

Founding Partners

Praires Economic Development Canada Logo
Innovation Saskatchewan Logo

Key Supporters

Western Economic Diversification Fund logo
Innovation Saskatchewan Logo
innovation Place Logo
Saskatchewan Government Logo
RBC X Logo
The Board

Built by founders, for founders

Contact Us

General Inquiries

Have a question? Drop us a message.

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Program Inquiries

Ready to launch, but not sure where to start?

Connect with our program team!

Tell us about your startup/idea using the form below & our team will assess whether you're a fit for:

Green Star with Tick

Co.Learn (Idea — Insight)

Turquoise Star with Tick

Co.Launch (Insight — MVP)

Yellow Star with Tick

Co.Link (MVP — Market)

Blue Star with Tick

Co.Lead (Market — Product-Market Fit)

Afterwards, we'll send you an email with the recommended next steps to start growing your startup!

Program Form